
If you’ve ever seen a photo of yourself surfing and realized that you don’t nail it like Jordy Smith, if you see yourself on video… you’ll be amazed. That’s why we have a specialized recording service with which you can have videos of yourself surfing every week to see your posture, line, maneuvers and, above all, mistakes. In addition, the videos come with comments so you can establish improvement points so that week after week you progress.

Video Corrections

We help you at all times to improve your surfing thanks to these videos. Contact us!

Voucher for 2 classes per month – €60.00
Voucher for 4 classes per month – €90.00
Voucher for 8 classes per month – €150.00

Each session of 1.5 hours in the water. We propose 4 days a week, morning and afternoon schedules and weekly videos and corrections.