


Guillaume Bayrakdar Bianco, well known to friends as Willy, is the creator of the BASQUE SURFING brand.

“With this project I intend to help every surf lover in all its areas and promote this culture that I have always had roots in and which I adore. Always taking care of the environment and offering responsible and ethical consumption of it, collaborating directly with the NGO” Tierra de Amani” for the care of children with HIV in Tanzania. That is why we have created this page, so you can learn about everything we offer at Basque Surfing.”

What better way to get to know us than through our clients! I will help you with whatever you need, since I speak Spanish, Basque, French (one of my native languages), English and Portuguese.

We invite you to read our reviews and try this great experience that many have liked so much.


Errenteria Kalea, 13,
20013 Donostia, Gipuzkoa

Telephone and Whatsapp

+34 630283272

For each purchase, €5 goes to Tierra de Amani

In each of your purchases you are collaborating with €5 with the Educational, Socio-cultural and Health Projects of Tierra de Amani, in Tanzania.

Tierra de Amani is an NGO based in Mijas (Spain) and Moshi (Tanzania) supporting children and adolescents, which places its emphasis on educational inclusion through micro-credits: from Primary School to University. , passing through Career Guidance and Vocational Training.

Learn more about them here