If you have difficulties finding the board of your dreams in stock, or you simply want to give yourself a gift and make a board exactly how you imagine it, we have a board customization service, in which the design of your dreams can come true. Shortboards, twins, fishes or guns, white, black or yellow…We create the board of your dreams just the way you imagine it.

To your taste and measure

Only for you, personal and non-transferable







Fitness level



Recommended volume


Why is it important to know the volume of the surfboard?

Because by knowing the volume it is easier for us to know which board is suitable for each surfer.. By knowing how many liters a surfboard carries, we can know if we will feel comfortable with it in the water.

What does the volume of the board affect?

Basically the volume affects the buoyancy of the board on the water. The volume that each surfer needs will depend on the person's physical characteristics (weight, height and general condition).

If we choose a board with more volume than we need, it will be more difficult for us to control speed in strong waves and it will also limit us when making turns. In waves with little force, it will make the surf more fluid.

If, on the other hand, we take a board with less volume, we will have to work much harder to catch the waves. When the waves have little force, you will lose a lot of speed and the edges will end up sinking when you want to turn.

Which boards have more buoyancy, epoxy or polyester?

Since epoxy boards are lighter than polyester boards, they give the boards more buoyancy. This becomes a great advantage especially in waves with little force.

We see how with a board of the same dimensions and with the same volume we obtain more buoyancy, which means that we can develop more speed and gives us the possibility of making turns more easily.

Calculate the volume of the surfboard

Below we will show you a table so that you have an idea of the liters you need according to your surfing level:

Level Ratio Kg per liter
Level 1 Learn how to stand up and collect foam 0.9 kg per liter
Level 2 Rowing, standing up and going down the wall straight 1.2 kg per liter
Level 3 Start making walls 1.3 kg per liter
Level 4 More aggressive surf 2.7 kg per liter
Level 4+ Professional surfer 3.0 kg per liter

As I had already said, the appropriate table volume is conditioned by the following aspects:

Surfer's weight

The more weight, the more buoyancy is required, therefore the more volume. Since volume directly affects buoyancy, you need the right volume to provide buoyancy in the water based on your weight.

surf level

The higher the surf level, the fewer liters. If you have doubts, it is best to choose one with more volume, since it is better to have more than not enough.

Types of waves

The smaller the waves, the more volume is needed. We will talk in more depth about this point later.

Surf style

If you want a board to flow, an extra volume will benefit you, while if you want to perform radical and explosive surfing you should adjust the volume you need more.

Surfboard volume depending on surf conditions

In small and weak waves

More volume. The additional volume will give more speed, thus compensating for the lack of power.

Big waves

Less volume which allows for tight turns and greater maneuverability. When wave conditions are good and of appropriate size, experienced surfers often surf on smaller boards.

Huge waves

Advanced surfers when the waves are very big usually use a step-up. These boards generally have more volume and length than traditional shortboards. The extra volume will help them catch bigger waves.

The larger the waves, the faster they move through the sea. So at some point, surfers need that extra speed to swim. And the extra volume also increases the stability and hold of the board in the water, because small surfboards can be too light and unstable in big waves.

How can I know how much volume I need?

As we already expressed in the previous paragraphs, to find the appropriate volume we must consider our particular needs and to do so we must analyze 3 factors: surfing level, weight and the typical conditions in which we surf.

If you are a beginner and looking for a beginner surfboard or you are at the intermediate level, we advise you to seek help from a surf coach or a person with extensive knowledge on the subject to advise you on the volume of the board for you according to your level of experience.

You can write to us with confidence and we will gladly clarify your doubts and questions. And if you want you can see the wide catalog of products that are available.